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Siemens came to us with the challenge of expressing their complex solutions in a manner that a child would find easy to understand. My partner and I successfully pitched the idea of using a new and improved Santa's Factory to showcase their capabilities in a fun, entertaining way. Users were invited to explore how Siemens increases Santa's productivity through an interactive experience with a variety of short animations and factoids. 

It's no longer live, but you can still read the Ad Age write-up.

The Urban Generation

I also branded a corporate responsibility campaign for Siemens. The clients asked us to create a program that demonstrated their commitment to educating future generations about the environment. Take a look at the handbook to learn more about the details of the program we envisioned. The video below was shown to board members and key decision-makers within their organization.

Healthcare Products

This print sample showcases my experience with B2B clients in a complex technology-focused industry. I greatly enjoyed working for Siemens because I got to learn about the future of healthcare.

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